Digital footprint

Week 7 blogging challenge: Digital footprint! The videos was about when you go to a website and when you go off it other people can see that you went on this website and it is there for ever, even if you delete it but it can still be there. The video have taught me that you need to be careful online at all times.

my poem

 I’m wondering what is that?

I’m wondering what is this?

I’m wondering why do I have good hearing?

I wondering why do I have fur?

I think it’s because I’m a cat.

I wonder if you could write a poem of your own?

All about me

Hi! My name is Anzhuo. I’m going to tell you the 25 things about me:


  1. I am born in China
  2. I love cats
  3. Piano is what I really love
  4. I like to play basketball
  5. I like to play tennis
  6. I like to play volleyball
  7. I like to play golf
  8. I like to eat chips
  9. Sushi is my favourite food
  10. Japan and Australia is my favourite country
  11. I wish to go to America
  12. I like to read books
  13. I really like MUSIC!!!!🙂
  14. My favourite thing is my iPhone
  15. I like the colour black and pink and blue
  16. I like to play games
  17. I like to make new friends
  18. Make friends happy is my job
  19. I like to read comics
  20. I really like to be HAPPY!!!!
  21. I have a funny nickname:APPLE
  22. I like to sing
  23. I don’t like drawing
  24. My favourite book is WARRIORS CATS
  25. My favourite comic is THE PRINCE OF TENNIS


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